I'm a Fullstack Developer(Backend heavy) and with a profound passion for technology and an avid love for gaming. I'm always sharpening my skills in both frontend and backend development, always striving for elegant and innovative solutions. What truly sets me apart is my insatiable curiosity to explore new technologies like Web3 and AI, ensuring that I stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving tech landscape . Beyond my technical prowess, gaming has always been a significant part of my life, serving as both entertainment and a source of inspiration. I'm now on the lookout for a role where I can leverage my skills, creativity, and dedication to collaborate with like-minded professionals in the tech industry. If you're seeking a Fullstack Developer who brings not only technical expertise but also an unwavering enthusiasm for innovation and a deep connection to the gaming world, I'd love to connect and embark on this exciting journey together.My favourite language is rust ;-)
A picture of Benbellah Owino

Programming Languages

      Frontend Web Development

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Tailwind CSS
  4. Javascript
  5. Typescript
  6. Svelte JS
      Backend Web Development

  1. NodeJS
  2. Express JS
  3. Sveltkit
      Blockchain Development

  1. Solidity

  1. MySql
  2. PostgreSql
  3. MongoDB
  4. SurrealDB
      Other languages
  1. C
  2. Rust
  3. Python


      Version Control
  1. GIT
  2. Github
  1. VSCode
  2. Jetbrains
  3. Vim
  1. Linux

Other skills



This is a simple twitter clone


  • Sveltkit
  • Tailwind
  • ExpressJs
  • MongoDB

Don Mark Autos Info System

An information system for a car dealership and rental compamny


  • Sveltkit
  • Tailwind
  • ExpressJs
  • MySql

Vanilla Library System

A library management system that helps a library in tracking its books


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Typescript / Javascript
  • PostgreSql


The source code to this portfolio


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Typescript / Javascript